UAS Regulation (EU) 2019/945 Conformity Evaluation Process

UAS Regulation (EU) 2019/945 Conformity Evaluation Process


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In this webinar, we answered the questions UAV manufacturers facing the new regulation might have. Is the DR 2019/945 applicable? What testing might the UAV face? What does it involve going through the EU-Type Examination? What are the specific requirements for drones? 

During the webinar, Alejandro Herrera, Head of UAS Division at ALTER, and Francisco Arribas, Project Manager of Industry and Equipment at UNE (Spanish Association for Standardization), will go through four different topics: 

  • DR 2019/945 and UAV classes 
  • Class Label specific requirements 
  • UAV Testing 
  • Certification activities 


Alejandro Herrera

Head of UAS Division, ALTER

Francisco Arribas

Project Manager of Industry and Equipment, UNE