EASA update: Third-country operator regulation amendment

EASA update: Third-country operator regulation amendment


Home » Insights » EASA update: Third-country operator regulation amendment

EASA has recently published Opinion No. 02/2022 as an Update of Commission Regulation (EU) No 452/2014 (Third-Country Operator (TCO) Regulation.

The objective is to foster an approach based on risks in the authorization process of third-country operators, improve the efficiency of EASA as the authority that implements the TCO Regulation, and improve the coherence of this Regulation with the EU Air Safety List.

The proposed amendments will maintain a high level of safety and have a positive impact on operators, processes, costs, and efficiency.

When the European Commission decides to amend the Regulation based on the opinion, EASA will publish the decision that amends the related acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM).

ALTER, with more than 35 years in the aerospace sector and strong and wide expertise in the drones field, can help you solve your doubts about regulation and ensure the safety of your drone to place in the European market with the CE marking and Class Label.


Download Opinion No 02/2022 >


ALTER is the first Notified Body in Europe accredited to assess conformity to drones 

Alter Technology has recently obtained accreditation as the first Notified Body in Europe to assess conformity to drones in the open category (C0-C4) and direct remote identification accessories. This is a new service in addition to the others related to testing, safety, and regulation. So, if you want the know-how of a company whose highest aspiration is quality and customer satisfaction, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Resource: EASA


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