Prototype technical specifications for the design of VFR vertiports

Prototype technical specifications for the design of VFR vertiports


Home » Regulations » Prototype technical specifications for the design of VFR vertiports

This document offers guidance for the safe design of vertiports that will serve the vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft, which are at an advanced stage of development.

The VTOL – capable aircraft corresponds to the ‘’Category Enhanced’’ as defined by EASA in SC-VTOL. The specifications mentioned are developed for manned VTOL-capable aircraft (EASA operations Type 3).

A vertiport (VTP) is ‘’an area of land, water, or structure used or intended to be used for the landing and take-off of VTOL-capable aircraft’’. VTP will refer to the new spaces destined for the landing and take-off of drones and future “flying taxis.” Vertiports should be classified as aerodromes due to aerodrome and vertiport regulations.

For VTOL’s operations, a new airspace concept has been introduced; it is a funnel-shaped area above the vertiport, designated as an obstacle-free volume. It is directly related to this type of aircraft’s vertical and take-off landing. In some urban environments, omnidirectional trajectories to vertiports could also exist. These methods can take into account environmental and noise restrictions more effortlessly.

The guidance was developed by EASA in collaboration with vertiport companies, VTOL manufacturers and experts from the different states. Eventually, EASA will develop a regulatory framework for operators, design, and certification, of vertiports providing a basis for a vertiport market related to Urban Air Mobility.

The information of the guide is non-binding and has, as only purpose to provide technical guidance and recommendations.

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