Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing
Electronic devices, particularly those embedded in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) or Drones, possess the capability to emit and be susceptible to electromagnetic disturbances, such as electromagnetic fields (EMF). In response to this proximity-related challenge, regulatory authorities have stated the necessity for these products to undergo Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing.
ALTER, with over 30 years of experience in equipment testing and certification, offers tailored engineering solutions to ensure the quality, reliability, safety, and performance of products in high-demand industries. Our services at our testing facilities encompass EMC testing in accordance with commercial and aerospace Directives and standards, facilitating compliance with CE marking requirements and military standards.
EMC testing holds significant importance for UAS/Drones due to its pivotal role in ensuring safety, reliability, and regulatory compliance. This testing identifies and addresses electromagnetic interference issues, ensuring seamless functionality alongside other devices. Compliance with EMC standards is not only for ensuring market access but also for legal adherence, highlighting the necessity of thorough testing. For instance, in the case of European Union (EU), every UAS/UAV/RPAS/Drones must comply with the EMC directive 2014/30/EU to qualify for the CE marking.
Accredited entity to perform EMC testing
In Europe, the EMC directive 2014/30/EU regulates and establishes the essential requirements for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) of electrical or electronic equipment for their CE marking.
ALTER is designated by the European commission as Notified Body – NB 2031 to offer a full EMC testing service, according to the main regulations, making it particularly relevant for sectors such as the UAS/Drones industry.
In addition, we are a testing laboratory, accredited by ENAC, according to the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standard with number 345/LE808 to perform compliance testing according to most of these regulations. Likewise, our extensive experience and flexibility allows us to successfully adapt to the execution of customized or tailor-made test plans.
EMC Testing campaign
EMC testing guarantees the reliability and interference-free functioning of different electronic devices and systems in a common electromagnetic environment. This can be achieved by measuring the emissions of a device or system and assessing its immunity to electromagnetic disturbances.
The tests of an EMC testing campaign are pre-defined and performed to verify that electromagnetic disturbances produced by electrical and electronic devices do not affect the performance or correct operation of other equipment or telecommunication networks and to check if they have an adequate level of immunity to work properly.
Our facilities
Our EMC laboratory is fully equipped to allow our experts to perform tests with the highest quality and guarantee. We can highlight:
- Semi-anechoic chambers for measurements at 3 and 5 meters distance, air-conditioned and with optimal hybrid absorbers to maintain special cleaning conditions.
- Shielded chambers for conducted tests and engineering services.
- Ground planes referenced for conducted immunity tests with measuring surfaces up to 70 m2.
- GTEM chamber for testing electronic components.
- Helmholtz coils for static magnetic field testing.
- State-of-the-art control software and automated acquisition systems.
UAS/Drones FREE Guide
Our comprehensive guide provides manufacturers and operators with essential steps for testing, certification, and compliance. Download now “How to get your Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) into the European market” guide for insights on regulatory framework, CE Marking, and crucial testing procedures to certify your UAS for safe and legal operation in Europe.

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