Development of AMC and guidance for U-Space regulation

Development of AMC and guidance for U-Space regulation


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The aim of the U-space regulation is the maintenance of a high level of safety in aircraft operations in the airspace whether they are manned or unmanned.

The NPA proposes acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) to the Regulations (EU) 2021/664, (EU) 2021/665 and (EU) 2021/666 that make up a regulatory package.

This NPA was developed due to the adoption of this regulatory package. It is very important to develop AMC (means of compliance) and GM (guidance material) in support of the U-space regulation because they specify the necessary means on how to enable the implementation of the U-space services and they support the traffic management of unmanned aircraft that can be integrated with manned aviation as well.

The set of AMC and GM proposed could be developed according to the current status of the U-space, the available technology and the operations in which they have been tested. For the UAS traffic and traffic complexity, it is not possible to provide a limit because of the lack of data. It is not possible to know if this first set of AMC & GM supporting the implementation of the U-space regulatory package will be sufficient to support other UAS operations.


The objectives of this NPA are:

  • To offer technical and operational flexibility
  • To ensure the proportionality among risks and categories of operation,
  • To facilitate the harmonised implementation of the U-space regulation,
  • To identify the performance levels required and the means to achieve them,
  • To identify the required performance levels and means to achieve them by the USSPs (U-space service providers) and UAS operators;
  • To enable interoperability for the deployment of the U-space services.


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