Aeromodelling / UAS operations in the framework of aeromodelling regulation transition may continue to be conducted based on the relevant national rules and until 1 January 2023.
National authorizations and qualifications validation of the aeromodelling regulation transition
Operational authorizations granted and the prior communications submitted based on Royal Decree 1036/2017 until 31 December 2020 will remain valid until 1 January 2022. The deadline for their validation is as follows: the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947.
Validation of prior communication
Operators conducting operations subject to prior communication per article 39 of the Royal Decree 1036/2017:
1. With aircraft of MTOM <25 kg in which the pilot keeps visual line of sight (VLOS) may continue to conduct such operations in ‘’open’’ category, not being subject to prior authorizations or operational declaration by the UAS operator before conducting the operation, provided they comply with the requirements of the open category.
2. Aircraft with an MTOM <2 kg where the operation is beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) shall submit an operational statement under the national standard scenario (‘STS-ES-02’) to operate if all requirements and mitigation measures are met or otherwise apply for authorization.

Authorizations validation
Authorizations granted to UAS operators based on the Royal Decree 1036/2017 will remain valid until 1 January 2022.
Before that date, they will be validated by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU 2019/947), taking the corresponding actions, depending on whether the operation can be performed in the ‘’open’’ category, in the ‘’specific’’ category under operational declaration or the ‘’specific’’ category subject to an operational authorization.
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