What is a declaration of conformity?

What is a declaration of conformity?


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A self-declaration of conformity provided by the manufacturer is a mandatory requirement in the EU Drone Regulation 2019/945. In this concern, ALTER TECHNOLOGY is currently involved in an accreditation process for being NOTIFIED BODY for the DRONE REGULATION to test and evaluate a drone system in accordance with the necessary European Directives. It is important to highlight ALTER is already a Notified Body for different Directives such as RED (Radio Equipment Directive) of EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility). 

EU declaration of conformity – Article 14

1. The EU declaration of conformity referred to in paragraph 8 of Article 6 shall state that compliance of the product with the requirements set out in Parts 1 to 6 of the Annex has been demonstrated and, for UAS, identifies its class.  

2. The EU declaration of conformity shall have the model structure set out in Part 11 of the Annex, contain the elements set out in that Part, and be continuously updated. It shall be translated into the language or languages required by the Member State in which the product is placed or made available in the market.  

3. The simplified EU declaration of conformity referred to in paragraph 8 of Article 6 shall contain the elements set out in Part 12 of the Annex and be continuously updated. It shall be translated into the language or languages required by the Member State in which the product is placed or made available on the market. The full text of the EU Declaration of Conformity shall be available at the internet address referred to in the simplified EU Declaration of Conformity in a language or languages required by the Member State in which the product is placed or made available on the market.  

4. Where a product is subject to more than one Union act requiring an EU declaration of conformity, a single EU declaration of conformity shall be drawn up for all such Union acts. That declaration shall identify the Union acts concerned, including their publication references. 

5. By drawing up the EU declaration of conformity, the manufacturer shall assume responsibility for the compliance
of the product with the requirements laid down in this Chapter.

What is a notified body?

A Notified Body is a conformity assessment body  notified by a member state of the European Commission and ratified by a Notifying Body to carry out conformity assessment activities for a given directive.  

This state authority varies according to the particular directive and sets its own requirements for notifying the body. Specifically for CE marking, the Notified Body for CE Marking can act as a third party to ensure the equipment meets the requirements of this marking. 

In the case of the drone market, the notified body must have the capabilities and infrastructure to provide compliance with a particular Directives or Regulation performing testing activities or documental verification y accordance with the normative framework.  

This expertise makes ALTER TECHNOLOGY the best option for a Drone Manufacturer to test and evaluate a specific system. As the Regulation states as a mandatory requirement, the intervention of a third party (Notified Body) to evaluate C1, C2, and C3 drone classes, as mentioned before, we have updated its internal procedures to get ready to perform drone testing activities following the current standardization framework. In addition, it is important to note that the CE marking process is also a well-known procedure by ALTER TECHNOLOGY. The company has been working to provide the necessary technical advice to our clients.  

Finally, it is also important to mention that we are permanently in contact with the local and European authorities and representatives from different Working Groups as well to discuss particular issues concerning test and assessment procedures if necessary, providing relevant comments on this concern and getting essential feedback about drones’ requirements compliance. 

Declaration of Conformity and CE Marking following the European Regulation for UAS

We have published a webinar with all the information about the Declaration of Conformity and the CE Class Marking process concerning the European Rules for UAS/Drones stated in the DR 2019/945. The main objective was to present the main features of the Regulation from the certification point of view, its importance for the competitiveness in this sector, and the most relevant aspects to be considered in the Declaration of Conformity and CE Marking activities. Furthermore, two key aspects of these concepts were covered: verification of the drone CE class mark and power sound level and the proposed means of compliance, including the role of a Notified Body in these processes. 

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